Camp Nawakwa Wedding | 2nd Shooting

I'm so grateful that I met Julie Hagenbuch earlier this year.  She is such a talented photographer and is one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  I grow as a photographer and a person whenever I get to work with her.  I recently had the honor of second shooting my third wedding with her, and it was incredible.  (I had no doubt that it would be!  She has a personality and talent that attracts clients who just ooze their in-loveness and who choose the most amazing venues!)

Alyssa and Matt's wedding preparation, ceremony, portraits, and reception all took place at Camp Nawakwa, located in Biglerville, Pennsylvania.  The wedding took place on an unseasonably hot September day, and was completely outdoors - but I was so wrapped up in the celebration that I didn't even notice the heat.  (And as a snow lover myself, that is saying a lot.)

Here are a few of my favorite photos from their Day #1 together.  I am so thankful that Julie asked me to second shoot this wedding with her, and very grateful that she has given me the okay to share a few of my images with the world.  It's always nice to meet colleagues in this industry who support community over competition.

Congratulations to Alyssa and Matt!  Thank you again to the incredible photographer and overall amazing human being Julie Hagenbuch.

Wyomissing Family Photographer | The Rai Family

I recently had the opportunity to photograph the Rai Family.  This was arranged at the last minute when they decided they wanted a few family photos before their son went off to Pittsburgh for college.  By a wonderful twist of fate, we all had the same evening free, and the weather turned out to be amazing!  (It seems I rarely have that type of good luck lately when it comes to my schedule and the weather!)

We started off by taking a few photos at their gorgeous home and yard.  Then, we headed to the nearby Wyomissing Park for the rest of our photoshoot.

I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to meet this incredible family!  I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite photos from our session.

Bucks County Senior Photographer | Shayne, Palisades High School

A little while back, I had the honor of photographing Shayne a few days before she packed up and moved to Colorado to attend college.  Shayne graduated from Palisades High School back in June.

She and her mom drove all the way from Bucks County for their photoshoot, and we had a great time adventuring around a few of my favorite Berks locations.  Her senior session is still one of my favorites to date!  Shayne, I hope you are having an amazing time in Colorado!  Thank you again for the smiles and laughs we shared.

A Berks County Forever Family Session | The Francis Adoption Day!

777 is definitely a lucky number for one special Berks County family!

A few weeks ago, someone from the organization Together We Rise reached out to me to see if I was willing to photograph a local family's adoption.  I excitedly agreed, and they connected me with the family's mother.  Fast forward to this morning...

Their long awaited adoption took place at the Lancaster County Courthouse. This was the first adoption I was honored to witness, so I didn't know what to expect, besides predicting that I'd see quite a few hard-earned and well-deserved smiles.

My trip to the courthouse was significantly lengthened by standstill traffic on Rt. 222. It cleared, and I breathed a sigh of relief... only to discover more construction around the courthouse itself. Luckily, I left with a few extra minutes to spare, and arrived right on time - and the family happened to be caught in the same traffic as I was. Crisis averted.

We went through security and made our way to the courtroom (#6) only to discover that they were running behind today as well. So, we were able to catch our breaths, and we spent a few minutes waiting outside in the hallway while we could hear other families celebrating inside Courtoom #6 as their own adoptions were being processed and finalized.

A few minutes later, it was our turn, and we made our way into the courtroom. I was a little disappointed to find out that I wasn't allowed to photograph any of the proceedings and had to wait until after everything was finished to snap a few photos of the family and the judge who granted the adoption. If I was allowed to take photos then, you would have seen loving parents smiling from ear to ear, excited children who were beaming as their new legal names were read out, and exuberant family members and case workers who were there to show their support. It was so heartwarming, and I shed more than a few tears of my own. (Mental note, pack tissues the next time I photograph one of these!!)

As the parents were finishing their testimonies (and I found out we share the same wedding anniversary!!), the courthouse fire alarm went off. Everyone had to exit the courthouse and wait for the okay to go back inside. Talk about an exciting morning! A few minutes later, we were allowed back in, and after making our way back through security and back into Courtoom #6 again, we finished up the official adoption proceedings. I snapped a few photos of the family together with the judge, and then we made our way to a local park to capture a few family photos.

I am so happy that I was able to donate my time and talent to this family. This is a day that they will all remember for the rest of their lives, and I am honored to have been a part of it. I think everyone should be able to witness this type of joy at least once in their lives.  After 777 days in foster care, and an incredibly exciting morning, these amazing brothers have been granted their wish - crowned princes of their loving forever family.

Congratulations, Francis family! Thank you for allowing me to share this incredible day with all of you.

Longwood Gardens Senior Session | Abby, Wilson HS Class of 2017

A few weeks ago, I met up with Abby and her mom at Longwood Gardens.  Abby is a senior at Wilson High School.  They wanted a colorful backdrop for Abby's senior photos, and Longwood was the perfect place!

Thank you for driving all the way to Longwood for our session!  Have a great senior year, Abby, and best of luck to all of the members of the Class of 2017!

Valley Forge Wedding | 2nd Shooting

I recently had the pleasure of second shooting for the talented Rachael McCormack of Mily Photography.  I started my afternoon by snapping a few photos of the guys while they were finishing getting ready.  Then, we headed to the church and waited in anticipation and excitement for the ceremony to begin.  After their marriage was made official (in a beautiful and emotional ceremony!), we headed to Valley Forge for a few bridal party photos.  We ended at the Valley Forge Sheraton, where the reception festivities were taking place.  Here are a few of my photos from the day.  Thank you again for having me along, Rachael!

Congratulations, Jen and Kevin!

Leesport, Pennsylvania Fall Child Session | Xavier (Class of 2029)

Xavier and his mommy were some of my very first clients when I just started chasing after this photography dream of mine.  It has been such a joy watching Xavier grow up, and seeing his personality develop over the years.  He is such a character (I mean that in the best way), and always keeps me on my toes!  I always take way too many photos during our time together, mostly because he is so expressive, so full of joy, and he's always on the move!  Our session a week ago was no different!

I was looking forward to our fall session for weeks!  But, the forecast that day was looking ominous.  Xavier's mom found a perfect location for us that would allow Xavier's personality to shine through, and where we could take cover if Mother Nature had different plans for our session that day.  When we arrived, the skies were cloudy and gray, and there was intermittent rain... that turned into a full downpour right at the end of the our session.  The location ended up being perfect, though.  It was landscaped beautifully, provided us cover when we needed it, and even offered up some interesting props that Xavier was crazy about!  You'll have to check out the photos to see for yourself!

Thank you, Audrey, for trusting me to capture these moments for your incredible family.  And thank you, Xavier, for providing me with countless smiles when I photograph you and again when I edit all of the photos from your sessions!  I love reliving these moments over and over again when I look through your photos.

I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite photos from our time together.

Blue Marsh Lake Family Session | The Carr Family

I met Jeff and Ashley a few years ago when my daughters joined the Ski Roundtop Race Club snowboard race team.  Jeff has been an amazing coach and mentor to my girls over the years, and whenever we see him and Ashley together on the mountain, you can just see him light up.  Seriously, they are perfect together!

Fast forward to last March when their incredible family grew by one.  I had the honor of capturing Luna's newborn photos, and during our entire session I saw that glow on Jeff's face again - but it was even brighter this time.

We got together again last weekend for Luna's six month photos, and you could see it again.

Ashley and Luna are his world, as he is theirs.  It has been such an honor photographing their family the past year, and I am looking forward to many more sessions with them.  Thanks, Carr Family, for driving to Blue Marsh Lake all the way from Harrisburg!!  I can't wait to see everyone again on the snow!  Until then, here are a few of my favorite photos from our morning together.

Douglassville, PA Family Session | The Gumbas - Part 2

Back in July, I met up with Sarah and her three amazing sons for a family session at St. Peter's Village.  Her husband wasn't able to join us for that session, so I offered to stop by and capture a few photos of the entire family at a later date.  That second photoshoot came to fruition last week!  Their property is the perfect backdrop for a photoshoot, so I met up with them (and the spunky Australian Shepherd that they recently rescued) at their home in Douglassville.

Sarah and Frank showed me a photograph of a family who had previously lived in their home, dated 1900. They thought it would be fun to recreate that image with their own family, and I agreed!  After we captured that photo, we walked around their property for a few more family shots.  As always, my time with the Gumba Family was filled with smiles, laughter, and chasing the kiddos around on their four wheelers.

Here are a few of my favorites from our time together.  This is my third session with their family, and their love, energy, and incredible sense of humor and "realness" has easily made them one of my favorite families to capture!

The Mest Family at Blue Marsh Lake

Early Sunday morning, I met up with the Mest Family at Blue Marsh Lake.  When we arrived, the sky was overcast and the mist was still forming on the surface of the lake - it made for some really nice lighting at the edge of the water!

This session was originally planned for Julie and Andy and their two children - but Julie's sister was out of town, and Julie asked if she could bring her nephews and mother along to surprise her sister with some pictures of her children and their grandma upon her return.  I was happy to oblige!  What a kind, thoughtful gesture!!

I had such a great time chasing these kiddos (and grown ups) around Blue Marsh Lake!  They have such fun personalities, and it is obvious that they share a strong bond.  Here are a few of my favorites from our session.