I recently met up with the Murillo Family to update their family portraits. (You may remember them from last year’s session which I blogged here.) Well, their little guy has become even cuter and more mobile since last year’s session! And I love everything about that - I love a challenge, especially when it includes chasing kids around trying to capture their true personalities in my photos.
This was just supposed to be another typical session. But, it turned out to be anything beside that for me. Let me explain…
First, that day started off with torrential downpours. As multiple weather forecasters were predicting that it would clear up before our session began, we decided to stick to our plans. I was recently at this same location for an engagement session, so I knew that there would be a few areas where we could escape any lingering water and mud.
Shortly before our session was scheduled to begin, Amanda texted me saying they had arrived early - but when I arrived, there were no other cars waiting for me at that spot. It turns out that there was some miscommunication, and we were waiting for each other at locations about 20 minutes apart. After some phone calls and texts in an area with spotty cell reception, we finally found each other. (I take full responsibility for that - I will definitely be clearer next time with my directions! Thank you for being so understanding, Murillo Family!) I always try to build in a time buffer when I schedule my sessions, to account for walking time, outfit changes, or other unanticipated things that come up - and that night, I’m glad that I did! The light was nice at the start of our session, and it was only getting better as our time together progressed. So, I’m actually thankful for that mishap that got us started a little late! Golden Hour was on full display during our entire session!
As soon as we found each other, the session began. I usually try to warm up my clients a bit with some exploring and small talk while we walk together, but we jumped right in to take advantage of all of our available time before the sun disappeared. I remembered that Louie was energetic and a little squirmy during our last session, and I was mentally prepared for whatever game plan he brought to our session that evening! :) And, he did not disappoint.
We spent the next hour together walking, exploring, pausing to attempt to capture a few posed shots, but mostly just letting Louie do his thing and rolling with it. Louie’s bike (that was custom painted by his Grandpa) even made an appearance during the last few moments of our session, just as the sun was calling it a day. His excitement and joy while riding his tricycle around the parking lot were contagious!
I absolutely love how this entire session unfolded. We did manage to get a few shots of everyone smiling and looking at the camera. But, I’ll be completely honest with you. My favorite images are the ones that capture Louie’s adventurous spirit, energy, curiosity, and personality. And the images that capture the way Amanda and Luis parent him with love, understanding, a firm gentleness, and the most amazing combination of patience and humor. What made this session magical was the way Amanda and Luis gave Louie the freedom to be himself - the freedom to wander, to be curious, and to explore boundaries - the freedom to be a kid.
So, I’m going to split these images into two categories: 1) the images that are usually the ones to make it onto walls and holiday cards, and 2) the images that capture a more realistic version of life. I love them all, but the latter are the ones that are my hands-down favorites. Look at them and you’ll probably see why. (For the record, the “real life” photos are the ones that I would personally choose to put on display on my walls!)
Without any further delay, here is the Murillo Family - version 2019. Thanks again for this opportunity, Murillo Family! But mostly, thank you for the smiles, memories, laughs, and opportunity to reflect on my own parenting adventures. You two are crushing this parenting game.
Here is the first set of images: (I’ll call this The Pinterest-y Collection.)