"No One Fights Alone" Golf Tournament | A Personal Session

This morning, I stopped by the Chapel Hill Golf Course to take a few photos for a friend.  Over 70 people competed in the "No One Fights Alone" Golf Tournament to show their support for Bill Haines, Jr. and other local individuals who are battling cancer.  Countless other people showed their support through donations and other behind-the-scenes efforts.  It was an honor to donate my time to this important cause, and to this incredible family.

Bill, I haven't known you long, but it didn't take me long to discover that you are loved by many.  I'm honored to have been a small part of this day, and to have been able to capture a few memories of this journey for your family and friends.  You are most definitely not facing this battle alone.  We're all rooting for you to kick cancer's ass.

Community Over Competition | Headshot Swap

Last week, I hung out with a group of very talented and kindhearted photographers from Berks, Lancaster, and Lehigh counties.  We decided to meet up at Blue Marsh Lake for a headshot swap.  I'm so thankful for all of the photographers I have met over the past year who are less interested in competing and more focused on lifting each other up so we can all be successful in this industry.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from our time together.  Thanks for a fun evening, everyone!!

Saint Peter's Village Family Session | The Gumbas - Part 1

Last year, I had the pleasure of photographing the Gumba family for the first time, at their amazing property.  That session is still one of my favorite sessions to date, because we ended up abandoning all plans for posed shots and took more of a candid, lifestyle approach.  I love letting kids just be themselves - I find that's when they (and their parents) truly shine!

This year, our session took place the same day as a fishing trip that Dad was really looking forward to, so we decided to focus on Sarah and her three boys.  We opted to go with a different location this time, to mix up the backgrounds from last year.  Due to the nature of the location, and the tendency of 3- and 6-year olds to want to explore, we had to be a little less "lifestyle" and a little more hands-on, but we still captured some amazing photos of the boys being themselves!  Even though they are exploring their independence at this age, it is so obvious how much they love their momma.  It was also obvious when they decided they were finished having their photos taken!  See if you can figure it out in the images below. ;)

This family has forever earned a big space in my heart!  I love them for their energy, their sense of humor, and the fact that they are just so real!  They are unapologetically authentic, and I think we need more people like that in the world.

Thank you, Sarah!  Thank you for allowing me to take your family photos, and thank you for being you.  You are such a breath of fresh air.  Your kiddos rock, too.  Here are a few of my favorites from the session.

Berks County Personal Session | Akina

Tonight, just because I felt moved to do so, I asked Akina to grab her violin and hop in the car with me.  We drove down the road and I stopped as soon as the light felt right.  We got out, got my camera ready, and she played her violin for me for a few minutes.  Here are some photos.

Wissahickon Valley Park Engagement | Kristen + Joe

Kristen and Joe's engagement session has been a long time in the making!  We were supposed to meet up in May, but Mother Nature threw a wrench in our plans for that day.  Everything finally came to fruition two weeks ago - it was one of the hottest days of the year, but the light was incredible and their chemistry was even better!

I am so glad that I was finally able to meet this incredible couple in person!  They are so much fun and were open to whatever adventures we stumbled upon during our session!  (I'm still bummed that we opted against diving off of the bridge at the end of the session!!)  I can't wait for their wedding this October!  I know everything is going to be absolutely stunning.

Kristen and Joe, thank you so much for driving all the way from New Jersey for our photoshoot!  I hope you enjoy this selection of a few of my favorites from our time together.  There were so many great images - it was so difficult to choose just a few!!

Also, big thanks to my amazing husband for assisting me on this one!  I wouldn't have been able to capture half of these moments without his help.

Watsontown Backyard Wedding | 2nd Shooting

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of second shooting for the talented and SUPER nice Julie Hagenbuch.  If I had to name three things that stood out to me most that day, it would be: 1) Jillian and Nick's love for each other, 2) their love for all of the children in their lives, and 3) PUPPIES!!!  Here are a few of my favorite images from their day.  You might notice that all of these have a bit of a "film" look to them... since I edited these just for fun, I decided to follow my heart and tweak my typical editing style a bit.  I hope you enjoy them!  I'm looking forward to shooting alongside Julie again soon!

Big thanks to Julie Hagenbuch for asking me to second shoot for her!  I had a blast working alongside her!

Vans Warped Tour | Scranton, PA | July 11, 2016

I never imagined that my Starbucks chai tea addiction would lead to such incredible opportunities!  A few years ago, I met Brent while ordering my typical "venti no water chai".  He quickly became one of my favorite Baristas!  We found out we had a lot of common interests, including tattoos, music, snowboarding, and caffeine!  I also quickly found out that Brent happens to be a pretty incredible drummer, and asked him if he was willing to take on my middle daughter as a drum student.  He agreed, and he's quickly become an extended member of my family!

Brent started touring with Emarosa this year when they found themselves in need of a drummer.  A few months ago, Brent helped me get a photo pass to shoot Emarosa at the Chameleon Club.  Last week, Brent came through for me again and hooked me up with a photo pass for Warped Tour when they were in town (well, as close to being "in town" as they were going to get).  The rest of the family also got all-access passes, and it was a pretty incredible experience for all of us!  I want to provide my daughters with experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives, and I think this one definitely qualified!

Here are a few of the MANY photos that I took at Warped Tour that day.  Everything took place in Scranton, around the Pavilion at Montage Mountain.  Brent, thank you again for the opportunity to shoot this event!!  It's been an honor being able to follow along as you chase your own dreams.



A Just Because Session | Owen

I'm an empath... perhaps to a fault.  The energy around me strongly affects me, for better and for worse.  In case you haven't noticed, television and social media have been filled with a lot of negativity lately.  On top of that, I've been under the weather and covered in poison ivy from my last few photoshoots.  It's been a rough few weeks for me, physically and emotionally.  I desperately needed to recharge.

A few days ago, a group of photographers organized a meetup at this amazing flower field and invited me to join them.  I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to meeting new people and was going to decline their offer, but I knew the timing was perfect - I needed to venture out and take some photos just for me... and I needed to do it soon.  So, I texted my friend Brooke yesterday morning and asked if she and her son Owen were available to meet up with me at the location.

They were available!

So, in spite of my anxiety and poison ivy and general sense of misery, I packed up my camera gear and went.

The photoshoot was amazing.


It was epic.

My husband always says that my camera is my 'binky'... and my husband is usually right.  (Well, I don't know about usually, but I'll say more often than not.)  In any case, it worked last night.  I'm feeling a bit better already.

I am gifting these photos to my friend Brooke and her little guy Owen.  Brooke started out as a student of mine in graduate classes I taught, and has since become a close friend.  She trusted me to take photos of her precious Owen when he became one of my very first newborn clients (unfortunately, that was before I knew how to create the froggy pose)!  Whenever I see them, they bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.  (And it has nothing to do with the fact that they bring me Wilbur Buds whenever they come to visit - that's just an added bonus!)  Thank you for being so supportive of me over the years, and for being incredible friends.  You are two of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders.  I love you both.  I hope you enjoy these photos as a small token of my appreciation.

For what it's worth, the photoshoot was just the pick-me-up I needed right now.  I knew in my heart if I got over my anxiety and pushed through my discomfort that I would be rewarded.  And I was right. <3

Fireworks on the 5th of July

Each year, a family in my neighborhood organizes an incredible fireworks display.  They purchase these themselves, and just recently started asking for donations to help with the cost.  It's become a wonderful tradition that brings many families in our neighborhood together, even if only for one night.  This year, due to downpours on the 4th of July, they were held one day late. The wait was worth it - this year's show was even better than in the past!  My neighborhood rocks!

This was my first 'real' attempt at taking fireworks photos.  I love how they turned out, and I can't wait to try again!

Wyomissing Park Engagement | Veronica + Bill + Lily

Veronica and Bill just moved back to the area from Pittsburgh, where they recently became engaged!  We met up at the Wyomissing Park so I could snap a few engagement photos.  I'm so thrilled that they brought their pup Lily along!  She's such a sweet girl, and was super cooperative for the camera!  A bag of snacks and Bill's sister's ninja dog handling skills could have been part of the reason for that. ;)

I LOVE how these turned out!  We practically had the park to ourselves (except for a deer that decided to hang out with us for a few minutes), and the light was absolutely perfect!

Thank you for reaching out to me, Veronica and Bill!  It was wonderful meeting you!  Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you a lifetime of happiness and incredible memories together!  (Big thanks to my husband for coming along and assisting!)